6. ressemble à

I will slowly be phasing my blog into Français one or two words at a time. Those words will be dark purple.

Il vraiment ressemble à sa mère!
He really looks like his mom!

“ressembler”  c’est la verbe meaning “to look like,” and is paired with “à.”

Par example, the beginning of chapter 2, “Les Cowboys” begins by stating that Alceste looked like a big chicken:

Alceste était en Indien, il avait une hache en bois et des plumes sur la tête, il ressemblait à un gros poulet…

Le Petit Nicolas, p.14

Some of my own sentences:

Oh, je très pâle, je ressemble un fantôme!
Oh, I’m so pale…I look like a ghost!

Nous avons ressemblé un troupeau des éléphants.
We looked like a herd of elephants.

Est-ce que c’est elle a ressemblé La Joconde?
Did she look like the Mona Lisa?

Remember that to make it past tense, just use avoir + ressemblé. C’est très facile!

3 thoughts on “6. ressemble à”

    1. Go for it! For the sake of hindsight, I’ve decided to keep any mistakes in the original posts (since this is a learning journey), but will not repeat them in the future. I would love your advice and input.

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  1. You can’t separate the subject from the verb in French, like we do in English.

    Il vraiment ressemble à = incorrect

    You can however separate the verb from its preposition, and insert the adverb in between:

    Il ressemble vraiment à sa mère !

    “Verbe” is masculine; so it would be c’est le verbe.

    As far as your own sentences go:

    Je suis si pâle, je ressemble à un fantôme !
    (Or “j’ai l’air d’un fantôme” – “I look like” rather than “I ressemble,” but the choice is yours. :))

    Nous avons ressemblés à un troupeau des éléphants.
    (Since you’re using “nous,” the second verb has to be pluralized as well.)

    A-t-elle ressemblé à La Joconde ?
    Est-ce qu’elle a ressemblé à La Joconde ?
    (The first makes use of inversion, and the second one is a slight modification of your original sentence.)

    🙂 I hope this helps and isn’t too nit-picky!


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